FIRE!! 28th LGTBI Cinema Festival of Barcelona 2023 – From the 8th to the 18th of June, 2023
FIRE!! 28th LGTBI Cinema Festival of Barcelona 2023 – From the 8th to the 18th of June, 2023
FIRE!! trailer Barcelona LGTBI Film Festival´s 2023 trailer
FIRE!! trailer Barcelona LGTBI Film Festival´s 2023 trailer


Gitta Gsell • Switzerland


Daniel Sánchez López • Spain

El Houb

Shariff Nasr • The Netherlands


Yann Gonzalez • United Kingdom, France


Tanmay Chowdhary, Tanvi Chowdhary • India


John Mark Fitzpatrick • United Kingdom


Sven Schnyder • Switzerland


Marcel Gisler • Switzerland


Marta Nieto • Spain


Mike Donahue • USA


Gitta Gsell • Switzerland


Daniel Sánchez López • Spain

FIRE!! Pro 2023

FIRE!! LAB 2023

From June 10 to 12, 2023

3º Laboratory for the development of LGBTI films

The FIRE!!
is a laboratory for the development of LGBTI-themed films, which seeks to encourage their production and commercialization in Spain. The initiative, which will take place within the framework of the Mostra FIRE!! 2023, will last 3 days, from June 12 to 14, 2023.

The scriptwriters, directors and producers of the selected projects and films will receive advice / tutorials in artistic areas such as script, direction, as well as production, by prominent professionals of the national and international audio-visual industry.

…laboratory for the development of LGBTI-themed films, which seeks to encourage their production and commercialization in Spain. The initiative, which will take place within the framework of the Mostra FIRE!! 2023, will last 3 days, from June 12 to 14, 2023.

The scriptwriters, directors and producers of the selected projects and films will receive advice / tutorials in artistic areas such as script, direction, as well as production, by prominent professionals of the national and international audio-visual industry.

Open Call for FIRE!! LAB: For registration you must complete the form available on the web. If you have any questions you can write to us at

With funding from:

ICCA - Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales

Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU:

Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU
Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU

Activity organized in collaboration with:

Institut français Barcelona
Catalan Films
La Casa del Cine
Fundació SGAE

Selected projects 2023


Lázaro Cienfuegos
Charli Bujosa Cortés


Dave Jackson
Claudia Clot


Nerea Guitart
Camila Montaldo


Jorge Trujillo
Sergio Granda

Cristina Escobar


Bárbara Fdez.
Mariona Martí


Carmen Aumedes
Greta Díaz Moreau


Almudena Monzu

Almudena Monzú is a screenwriter, script consultant and producer, living between Barcelona and Madrid. She is one of the founding partners of the production company Amor y Lujo. As a script consultant, she has trained at the Torino Film Lab, where she has been a story editor trainer, and at the LIM workshops of Le Groupe Ouest, where she was selected as a development angel. As a script analyst, she has worked for production companies such as Morena Films, Tandem Films or Distinto, as well as for many authors who have put the development of her stories in her hands. She has been a tutor in the lab specialized in LGBT+ projects of the Mostra FIRE!! and at Queercinelab. She has also been a tutor in the Residences of the Film Academy and a collaborator in the first edition of the Residences of the Acadèmia del Cinema Català. She currently also collaborates with Le Groupe Ouest in its international research groups on narrative and script.

Patricia Ortega

Patricia Ortega (Venezuela) Director, scriptwriter and executive producer. She is president of the Mandrágora Films production house since 2009. She graduated from the directing specialty at the International Film and TV School (EICTV) Cuba. Her first fiction feature film Yo, Impossible (2018) is distributed by HBO Latino and was selected as a pre-candidate film for the 2020 Oscar Awards representing Venezuela. Her new film Mamacruz, starring Kiti Mánver and produced by Olmo Figueredo (LA CLAQUETA PC), has premiered at the prestigious Sundance festival.

Eneko Gutiérrez

Eneko Gutiérrez combines animation production at The Thinklab studio (Deep; Inspector Sun y la maldición de la viuda negra, both nominated for a Goya for Best Animated Film) with the production of live-action feature films and series at OLD Media. He has recently been a producer of series such as El Vecino for Netflix or Sin Huellas for Amazon, and previously, he was a delegate producer on blockbusters such as Ahora o nunca or Anacleto: agente secreto, among others.


Alejandro Marin

Graduated in 2018 in Direction from the ESCAC (Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya) with the short film Nacho no conduce and the collective feature film La filla d’algú. In 2021 he directs Maricón Perdido, a series created by Bob Pop and awarded with the Ondas Award for Best Comedy Series. After releasing A Christmas with Samantha Hudson, a Christmas special for Atresplayer Premium, he begins preparations for his first solo film. Filmed in Seville and starring Ana Wagener, Omar Banana and Alba Flores, Te estoy amando locamente is part of the beginnings of the Seville LGBTI movement in the midst of Spain’s transition.


Nadine Rothschild

Nadine Rothschild és productora i agent de vendes. Des d’octubre de 2020, és directora de vendes a Coproduction Office, on va portar les vendes internacionals de: El triángulo de la tristeza de Ruben Östlund, nominada a l’Oscar a millor pel·lícula el 2023 i Palma d’Or 2022; Club Zero, de Jessica Hausner, en competència Cannes 2023; Rimini, d’Ulrich Seidl, en competició a la Berlinale 2022, entre d’altres. Anteriorment, va ser responsable d’Espanya, Portugal i Amèrica Llatina a UniFrance, directora de vendes a Celluloid Dreams a París i directora de màrqueting a WestEnd Films a Londres.

Sales agent and producer

Ignacio Segarra

Degree in economics, Master’s Degree in Accounting and Finance, Master’s Degree in Tax Law/Tax Consulting and Master’s Degree in Auditing and Finance. He is CEO of YUNIT, a platform for financing audiovisual projects through the transmission of tax deductions.

Economist and YUNIT ´s CEO

Rocío Ortiz

Graduated in Environmental Sciences and Master in Consulting and auditing of Quality and Excellence and Environment. In 2021 she joined Creast for the environment and sustainability area. She is in charge of the methodology of the carbon footprint measurements on the platform, in addition to carrying out these, as well as the preparation of sustainability plans. Other functions that she performs together with her department is the search and validation of sustainable solutions and suppliers and compensation projects.

Responsible for sustainability

Sílvia Paredes and Mercè Vallverdú

Sílvia Paredes, coordinator of the Socis department of the SGAE in Catalonia. With her studies in Marketing (EADA) and Business Studies (UOC), in 1992 she became part of the entity. She currently directs the department that oversees the operational and administrative management related to the associates, the registry of works, the authorizations and the claims.

Mercè Vallverdú, head of the Department of Legal Services of the SGAE in Catalonia. She graduated in Law from the University of Barcelona and specialized in Intellectual Property since 1995.

Copyright SGAE

Round Tables

Tuesday 13th of june, 6.30 pm

Round Table Stories to see us: on the representation of LGTBIQ+ history in the cinema

Round Table Stories to see us: on the representation of LGTBIQ+ history in the cinema


The round table Stories to see us: on the representation of LGTBIQ+ history in the cinema will examine how cinema and audiovisuals have represented queer history, our history. We will talk with the artists, activists and researchers Roberta Marrero, Emilio Papamija and Francina Ribes about cinema, representation and a story built on absences, some lights and many shadows, at a table moderated by the filmmaker and part of the Filmin team Zaida Carmona.

The round table Stories to see us: on the representation of LGTBIQ+ history in the cinema will examine how cinema and audiovisuals have represented queer history, our history. We will talk with the artists, activists and researchers Roberta Marrero, Emilio Papamija and Francina Ribes about cinema, representation and a story built on absences, some lights and many shadows, at a table moderated by the filmmaker and part of the Filmin team Zaida Carmona.

LGTBI CENTRE Tuesday 13th of june 6.30 pm Free entry Live retransmission from the LGBTI Centre of Barcelona’s YouTube Channel

LGTBI CENTRE Tuesday 13th of june 6.30 pm Free entry Live retransmission from the LGBTI Centre of Barcelona’s YouTube Channel

Activity organized in collaboration with:

Centre LGBTI de Barcelona
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.



Roberta Marrero

Roberta Marrero is a plastic artist and writer. She has published several books, including the graphic novel El bebé verde. Infancia, transexualidad y héroes del Pop (Lunwerg, 2016) and the collection of poems Todo era por ser fuego (Continta me tienes, 2022). She normally collaborates in various magazines such as Shangay, Candy Transversal Magazine or Bibliotech. The obsessions reflected in her work are diverse: the autobiographical, desire, love, sex, cultural idols or images of power and the occult.

Emilio Papamija

Emilio Papamija is a researcher, cultural designer and decolonial anti-racist trans activist, an expert in aesthetics and a teacher in gender, media and culture. He is currently director of research and trans representation at ODA, the Spanish Audiovisual Media Diversity Observatory, where he leads the process of preparing an annual report that evaluates the narratives of LGBTIQA+, racialized and disabled characters that are projected in Spanish fiction, with the purpose of promoting social and cultural change. For this mission, he gives workshops and consults around these topics.

Francina Ribes Pericàs

Francina Ribes Pericàs has a PhD in Media and Culture from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Master’s in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies from the Pompeu Fabra University. She is the author of the book Ausencia y Exceso. Lesbianas y bisexuales asesinas en el cine de Hollywood (Dos Bigotes, 2022) and has collaborated with Drac Màgic, the Observatori de les dones en els mitjans de comunicació, La Bonnemaison and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, always around gender theories and the cinema.

Zaida Carmona
Zaida Carmona is a filmmaker and works in Filmin’s marketing and communication department, although she has previously worked as a writer on television and in media such as Notodo and Vice. In cinema, she has directed several short films and video clips, including Son ilusiones, presented at D’A 2021, and she has collaborated as an actress in the films of Marc Ferrer. With La amiga de mi amiga, her first feature film, she won the “Un Impulso Colectivo” award at the D’A Film Festival. Her first feature film has been at festivals such as Atlantida Mallorca Film Fest, Abycine, Lesgaicinemad, San Sebastián or the Rotterdam International Festival.
Thursday 15 June, 6 pm

Round table: The showrunners of LGTBI series, allies of queer visibility

Round table: The showrunners of LGTBI series, allies of queer visibility

Round table: The showrunners of LGTBI series, allies of queer visibility

Recent series have put much or all of their focus on the LGBTIQ+ collective, from Heartstopper, Pose, Transparent, Special, Elite, Gender Derby, Young Royals, Sex Education, Euphoria, Woke, Prisma or Feel Good, in the international arena, until Merlí, Smiley, Maricón perdido, Ser o no ser, Veneno, or La edad de la ira, within our borders. The creators (or showrunners) of these series, who write all or part of the scripts and are in charge of the coherence of the shoots, play a fundamental role in their success and in the way our collective is represented. But are these series here to stay? Although it seems easier to create LGTBI series today, what are the challenges and risks that they continue to entail? Have the production companies really changed course to counteract the very low statistical representation of the LGTBI collective in our audio-visual panorama? To discuss these issues, we will speak with Guillem Clua, creator of Smiley, Coral Cruz, creator of Ser o no ser, Javier Ferreiro, scriptwriter for Vestidas de azul, and the moderation of the film critic Mariona Borrull.

LGTBI CENTRE Dijous 15 de juny 6pm Free entry Live retransmission from the LGBTI Centre of Barcelona’s YouTube Channel

LGTBI CENTRE Dijous 15 de juny 6pm Free entry Live retransmission from the LGBTI Centre of Barcelona’s YouTube Channel

Activity organized in collaboration with:

Centre LGBTI de Barcelona
For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.



Guillem Clua

Barcelona, 1973. Graduated in journalism, he began his training in writing at London Guildhall University. He is considered one of the most international and versatile voices in today’s national theater. He has extensive experience as a screenwriter for film and television. His film adaptations of God’s Crooked Lines and some of his own works (such as La bandera) stand out, as well as the Netflix series Smiley of which he is showrunner. He does not hesitate to choose current issues: armed conflicts, climate change, nationalism… The result is works of high political voltage such as La piel en llamas or El sabor de las cenizas, epic dramas (Marburg, Invasión), but also musicals (Killer, 73 raons per deixar-te), theater-dance shows (Death in Venice, En el desierto), adaptations of classics (Iliad, La revoltosa) and comedies (Smiley, Al damunt dels nostres cants). Many of his pieces have received important awards, among which the 2020 National Award for Dramatic Literature stands out.

Coral Cruz

Coral Cruz has a long career as a screenwriter. She has co-written Morir by Fernando Franco, Uncertain Glory by Agustí Villaronga, The Days to Come by Carlos Marques-Marcet (Best Film in Malaga), One for All by David Ilundain and the multi-award-winning series Hierro. She is responsible for the adaptations of Vida privada (Gaudí for Best Film for TV) and Life without Sara Amat. In 2022, she premiered Ser o no ser (ODA 2022 award for best fiction series), her first series as showrunner, screenwriter and executive producer, and The punishment, directed by Matías Bize (Festival de Malaga, Official Selection).

Javier Ferreiro

Born in Lugo, Javier specialised in scriptwriting before studying fiction directing at the International Film and Television School (EICTV – Cuba). Back in Spain, he began to develop projects together with his production company Amor y Lujo, and with the support of funds and institutions such as the ICAA, ICEC and Ibermedia. Javier is currently immersed in series writing. He has been the scriptwriter for Vestidas de Azul (continuation of the successful Veneno) and is developing his first series as a creator, the two projects together with Suma Content, the producer of Javier Ambrossi and Javier Calvo. In addition to his work as a screenwriter, Javier is developing his directorial debut, Fame e febre, which has the support of AGADIC.

Mariona Borrull

They/them. Mariona writes reviews for El Antepenúltimo Mohicano, Fotogramas and Serielizados and speaks weekly on Ràdio 4’s Va de cine and SER Catalunya’s Tot és comèdia. Their work can also be read in Sensacine and OtrosCines Europa. They specialize in covering Class A festivals, combined with articles for the distributor Mediatres Estudio and other press work. A member of the Catalan Association of Film Critics and Writers (ACCEC) and Fipresci.

Meetings with Directors

Some directors will be present at the screening of their film; the public will have the opportunity to talk with them at the end of the screening, in the cinema or on the terrace of the French Institute.

 Isa Luengo and Sofia Esteve

A meeting with Isa Luengo and Sofia Esteve,
directors of Perpetua Felicidad
SAT 10/06 ● 10pm

Hannah Cauhépé

A meeting with Hannah Cauhépé,
director of Fuera de juego.
MON 12/06 ● 8pm

Daniel Sanchéz Lopé

A meeting with Daniel Sanchéz Lopéz,
director of Catorce
SAT 17/06 ● 8pm

Hadi Moussally

A meeting with Hadi Moussally,
director of El sombrero
WED 14/06 ● 10pm
SAT 17/06 ● 8pm

Ruth Caudeli

A meeting with Ruth Caudeli,
director of Petit mal,
and the actresses Sílvia Santamaría
and Ana María Otálora
SAT 17/06 ● 4pm

Miguel Ibáñez

A meeting with Miguel Ibáñez,
director of Iago y Tristán,
and the actors Lluís Marquès and Quim Àvila
FRI 16/06 ● 10pm

Alba Cros i Nora Haddad

A meeting with Alba Cros and Nora Haddad,
directors of Alteritats
SUN 11/06 ● 8pm

Steven Koslowski,

A meeting with Steven Koslowski,
producer of Two Eyes and actor
SAT 17/06 ● 8pm

Lionel Baier

A meeting with Lionel Baier,
director of La dérive des continents
SUN 18/06 ● 8pm

Alejandro Marín

A meeting with Alejandro Marín,
director of Te estoy amando locamente and the actress/actor: Ana Wagener, Omar Banana
SAT 10/06 ● 6pm

Peter McDowell

A meeting with Peter McDowell,
director of Jimmy in Saigon
FRI 9/06 ● 8pm

Source list 2023

Distribution and programming professionals will find here our Source List, with the contacts of the distributors of all the programmed films: feature films, documentaries and short films.