Fuera de juego

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At the French Institute:

MON 12/06 ● 8 pm
With the presence of the director Hannah Cauhépé

Title: Fuera de juego (Hors jeu)
Direction: Hannah Cauhépé
Cast: Meriç Doğan, Elif Kaya, Seçil Epik, Derya Akişli
Production: Hannah Cauhépé
Distribution: Hannah Cauhépé
Genre: Documentary
Duration: 10’
Country: France
Year: 2021
O.V. in English. Subtitles in Spanish

Festivals: Berlin (feminist cinema), Berlin (queer cinema about the SWANA region), Kingston (Canada, LGTBI), Madrid (LGTBI), Montreal (LGTBI), Orléans (LGTBI), Paris (lesbian and feminist cinema), Saint-Quentin (France, LGTBI), Turkey (different cities, LGTBI), Valladolid (LGTBI)

First showing in Barcelona

In Erdogan’s Turkey, being queer isn’t a crime (yet), but it can still make your life a living hell. Which is why some members of the community have decided to claim their right to exist, loud and proud, with a soccer ball.