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At Filmin:

From June 8 to 18

Title: Impériale
Direction Coline Confort
Cast: Eva
Production: Association Climage, École cantonale d’art de Lausanne Département Cinéma
Distribution: Association Climage
Genre: Documentary
Duration: 22’
Country: Switzerland
Year: 2021
O.V. in French. Subtitles in Spanish

Festivals: Angers, Biarritz (documentaries), Locarno, Montevideo, Palm Springs (shorts), San Francisco (LGTBI), Solothurn, Swiss Cinema Awards, Winterthur (shorts), Zurich (LGTBI)

First showing in Spain

At dawn, a cannon shot shatters the plain. Horses gallop across the beaten earth. Eva, 21 years old, wants to join the hunters of the Imperial Guard, a Napoleonic regiment of historical re-enactment reserved for men. In her quest for romanticism, she hides her identity so that she can set foot in the stirrup, braving a 200-year-old ban. In this world of gunpowder and smoke, Eva discovers herself as she has always dreamed: a handsome soldier at the side of a beautiful princess.

Section in collaboration with the General Consulate of Switzerland in Barcelona and Swiss Films.

General Consulate of Switzerland in Barcelona
Swiss Films