FIRE!! 2022 edition At the French Institute and Filmin
FIRE!! 2022 edition At the French Institute and Filmin
FIRE!! LGTBI Cinema Festival of Barcelona 2022 Trailer
FIRE!! LGTBI Cinema Festival of Barcelona 2022 Trailer


Cecilia del Valle • Argentina


Milica Tomovic • Serbia


Diego Serra • Spain


Jordi Wijnalda • The Netherlands


Stéphane Riethauser • Switzerland


C.B. Yi • Austria, France, Taiwan, Belgium

Ob Scena

Paloma Orlandini Castro • Argentina


Ferran Navarro-Beltrán • Spain


Malou Reymann • Denmark

Wet Sand

Elene Naveriani • Switzerland, Georgia

FIRE!! Pro Section 2022

FIRE!! LAB 2022

From the 13th to the 15th of June, 2022

2nd Laboratory for the development of LGBTI films

The FIRE!! LAB is a laboratory for the development of LGBTI-themed films, which seeks to encourage their production and commercialization in Spain. The initiative, which will take place within the framework of the FIRE!! 2022, will last 3 days, from June 13 to 15, 2022.

The scriptwriters, directors and producers of the selected projects and films will receive advice / tutorials in artistic areas such as script, direction, as well as production, by prominent professionals of the national and international audio-visual industry.

…laboratory for the development of LGTBI-themed films, which seeks to encourage their production and commercialization in Spain. The initiative, which will take place within the framework of the FIRE!! 2022, will last 3 days, from June 13 to 15, 2022.

The scriptwriters, directors and producers of the selected projects and films will receive advice / tutorials in artistic areas such as script, direction, as well as production, by prominent professionals of the national and international audio-visual industry.

 Call for the FIRE!! LAB: to register, you must complete the form available on the web. If you have any questions, you can write to

With funding from:

ICCA - Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales

Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU:

Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU
Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU

Activity organized in collaboration with:

Filmarket Hub
La Casa del Cine
Catalan Films
Mr. Miyagi
K is for Knowledge
Catalunya Film Commission

Selected Projects


Nicolás Tabilo
Bettina Stephanie Walter


Raul Villalba Palacin
Noor Husheri Pastrana


Sara Bamba
Iván Martín Ruedas


Aurora D’Errico Prat
Javier del Álamo


 Claudia Ortega
Eva Bodas


Daniel Sánchez López
Lucia Sapelli


Almudena Monzu
She is a script consultant, writer and producer in Barcelona and Madrid. She is one of the founding partners of the production company Amor y Lujo. She has trained at the Torino Film Lab, where she has been a story editor trainer, and at Le Groupe Ouest’s LIM workshops, where she was selected as a development angel. As an analyst and script consultant, she has worked for production companies such as Morena Films, Tandem Films or Distinto, as well as for many authors. As a screenwriter, she is the creator of the ongoing series Picadero (selected at the CoPro pitching sessions at Festival Series Mania and at the Copro Series at the Berlinale) and is currently co-writing Leticia Dolera’s next television project and the director’s feature debut Ivan Morales. As a producer, her most recent titles are the co-production with Sweden Passion (Maja Borg, 2021; selected at CPH:DOX and the Seville Festival) and the post-production documentary Alteritats (Nora Haddad and Alba Cros, supported by ICAA and ICEC and selected at the 2021 Fire!! Lab, the Zinegoak work in progress and the Walden Residences).

(Valencia, 1981). In his film projects, he explores the limits between reality and fiction, staging real people alongside professional performers, assuming artistic practice from the analysis of their life experiences. His films are preceded by a process of close collaboration with communities, generally linked to issues of gender, migration and LGBTI groups.
Featured Filmography:
Sediments (2021) | Love Objects (2016) | Natalia Nikolaevna (Short, 2014)

 Ángeles Hernández and David Matamoros. Mr. Miyagi Films
Mr. Miyagi is a production company led by Ángeles Hernández and David Matamoros; they have been producing films for more than 12 years, including El Hoyo (winner at Sitges, TIFF), Evolution (San Sebastian, BFI, Toronto), La casa de Jack (Cannes), Vulcania (Fantaspoa, nominated for Gaudí) or Breve historia del planeta verde (winner at the Berlinale, Sitges…), with a special sensitivity for cinema and queer characters (Grimsey, i, Breve Historia, Isaac, Princeses and, distributing, Tinta Bruta). In 2020 they embark on co-directing and co-writing Isaac, their first fiction feature film (IFFI Goa 2021, Málaga, Guadalajara). They are now in the middle of post-production on El faro, Ángeles’ second film as director, as well as producing the animated films Hanna y los monstruos, Juul and Dalia y el libro rojo.


Jaume Ripoll Vaquer

Jaume Ripoll Vaquer. Co-fundador, Director editorial y de desarrollo de Filmin

Palma de Mallorca, 1977. Llicenciat en Direcció a ESCAC. Cofundador, director editorial i de desenvolupament de Filmin. Director de l’Atlàntida Film Fest, productor i guionista. El 2007 va ser un dels 3 fundadors de Filmin, portal de referència per al cinema independent a Espanya, en què exerceix de director editorial. Des de la seva creació Filmin ha obtingut nombrosos premis entre els que estan el Premi Ciutat de Barcelona, ​​el Premi Sant Jordi o el Premi Ramon Lllull com a empresa més innovadora del país. Entre el 2012 i el 2018, va exercir la vicepresidència d’EUROVOD, primera associació europea encarregada de distribuir cinema en línia als 28 països de la UE. El 2010 va crear Atlántida Film Fest, primer festival de cinema íntegrament a Internet que s’ha expandit internacionalment amb presència a 6 països. Ha participat com a jurat als festivals de Berlín, In-Edit o Sitges i ha estat convidat a fer conferències o tallers als principals Festivals europeus. Va ser director del màster de Distribució Online a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, a més de ser professor convidat de les Universitats UAB, UB, UPF, ESCAC, Carles III i Universitat Camilo José Cela. El 2015 va debutar a la producció amb Barcelona, ​​nit d’hivern. En els darrers anys ha estat productor executiu de títols com les guanyadores del Festival de Màlaga (El ventre del mar i Ulls Negres), la multipremiada Samantha Hudson o Jean François i el sentit de la vida, així com de la primera sèrie original de Filmin , Doctor Portuondo. Ha participat a l’escriptura del guió Som gent honrada, llargmetratge dirigit per Alejandro Marzoa, present a la Secció Oficial del Festival de Màlaga i premiat amb 6 Mestre Mateo.

Fernanda Rossi

Fernanda Rossi. Autora y conferencista.

Teòrica de dramatúrgia, guionista i conferenciant internacionalment reconeguda; ha col·laborat en més de 500 guions narratius, documentals i demos, incloent-hi dos documentals nominats als Oscars, altres que han rebut fons d’ITVS i del National Film Board del Canadà. Ha ofert conferències a més de 15 països i 40 organitzacions de cinema en mercats arreu del món, com Màlaga Film Festival, Hot Docs, Sheffield Doc/Fest. Ha estat convidada com a assessora de realitzadors en programes de perfeccionament professional com Doc Campus i ESoDoc. Va ser avaluadora de sol·licituds de beques per a diferents fundacions com ara LPB (Latino Public broadcasting), ITVS (Independent TV Service) i NYSCA (The New York State Council on the Arts).

 Oliver Lupiañez

 Oliver Lupiañez. Responsable de Sosteniblitat @ K is for Knowledge.

Professional de la producció audiovisual.  Amb el carreg de Production Manager durant més de 15 anys  en el sector, la majoria d’ells en projectes publicitaris. El 2019, i després d’haver cursat un Postgrau de Comunicació i Educació Ambiental a la Universitat de Barcelona, decideix  acostar la sostenibilitat a les produccions amb la creació d’un nou servei d’ecoassistència per rodatges, Waste Management On Set, amb l’objectiu de reduir i monitorar els residus generats a una producció, i finalmente, ampliant els serveis amb l’assessorament a productores que volen introduir estratègies de  sostenibilitat a les seves produccions o productores, i a través del nou projecte K is for Knowledge.

Round Table

Wednesday, June 15, 6pm

How to represent the unrepresented: LGTBI inclusion in the film script

How to represent the unrepresented: LGTBI inclusion in the film script

With Zaida Carmona, Ferran Navarro-Beltrán and Elio Colen, moderadated by Alba Laguna.

Round table: Professional football and homosexuality: let's break the taboo!

… in the audio-visual world in general and in the cinema in particular, despite the cliché according to which “gay” characters abound in films today. The ODA (Observatory of Diversity in Audiovisual Media) pointed out in its 2020 report that the presence of LGTBI characters in the analysed movies and TV series is only 7.1%, falling even to 3.8% in the case of cinema films (knowing that, worldwide, 20% of the population does not identify as strictly heterosexual). As if that were not enough, only 54% of the LGTBI characters in these films pass the “Vito Ruso” qualitative test, developed by GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), and within this underrepresentation, the situation of certain people (trans or bisexual, for example), is even worse.

Furthermore, not all parts of the LGTBI collective are represented in the same way. At this roundtable we have invited scriptwriters and filmmakers who focus their work on the least and worst represented people of the LGBTI community: lesbians, trans people, migrants, the elderly… Most of the time, they are invisible in the audio-visual field or represented in a stereotyped way. To make the diversity of LGTBIQ+ stories more visible, we have invited Zaida Carmona, Ferran Navarro-Beltrán and Elio Colen.

… in the audio-visual world in general and in the cinema in particular, despite the cliché according to which “gay” characters abound in films today. The ODA (Observatory of Diversity in Audiovisual Media) pointed out in its 2020 report that the presence of LGTBI characters in the analysed movies and TV series is only 7.1%, falling even to 3.8% in the case of cinema films (knowing that, worldwide, 20% of the population does not identify as strictly heterosexual). As if that were not enough, only 54% of the LGTBI characters in these films pass the “Vito Ruso” qualitative test, developed by GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), and within this underrepresentation, the situation of certain people (trans or bisexual, for example), is even worse.

Furthermore, not all parts of the LGTBI collective are represented in the same way. At this roundtable we have invited scriptwriters and filmmakers who focus their work on the least and worst represented people of the LGBTI community: lesbians, trans people, migrants, the elderly… Most of the time, they are invisible in the audio-visual field or represented in a stereotyped way. To make the diversity of LGTBIQ+ stories more visible, we have invited Zaida Carmona, Ferran Navarro-Beltrán and Elio Colen.

LGTBI CENTRE Wednesday, June 15 6pm Free admission Live retransmission from the LGBTI Centre of Barcelona’s YouTube Chanel

LGTBI CENTRE Wednesday, June 15 6pm Free admission Live retransmission from the LGBTI Centre of Barcelona’s YouTube Chanel

Activity organized in collaboration with:

Centre LGBTI de Barcelona

> To attend in person, you must register in advance at, indicating your full name, email and contact telephone number. Limited capacity. Address: C / Comte Borrell, 22.

> You can attend it online, on Wednesday 15 June at 6pm right here:

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Zaida Carmona

Zaida wanted to be a young promise but as far as “young” is concerned, she is a little late. La amiga de mi amiga is her first feature film project. Before embarking on it, she directed video clips for Monterrosa, Borque and visual pieces for Christina Rosenvinge. Her penultimate adventure is called Son ilusiones, a short film recorded in the strange spring of 2020 (which is not about the virus, it is about love, of course) and which is currently in the distribution phase. With Cristina Pastrana she presents the podcast La amiga de mi amiga (yes, it’s a title that she likes a lot and yes, it’s also a bollero (dyke) podcast). She works as a Social Media Manager at Filmin.

Ferrán Navarro

He studied Industrial Engineering and Design at the UPC. After working in graphic design studios, he began his career as a screenwriter and director. He has written and directed the documentary La Generación Silenciosa (2020) and a trilogy of short films: Rosa (2021), Nomeolvides (2018) and La Orquídea (2016), all on LGTBI themes and starring people over 60 years of age, with the aim to give prominence to this group, invisible in a large part of society. He usually works as a graphic artist within the art team of series and films for different movie platforms.

Elio Colen

Elio Colen has a Master’s degree in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and a Master’s degree in Facial Psychomorphology. He has done multiple jobs and researched in different fields such as photography, writing, film, radio and documentary. He has written the novel No cojas ese cuaderno por favor, he is editor of Donovan magazine and producer of the queer party “Canalla”. He has made the testimonial documentaries 9Trans and Human Rights, focused on the trans and migrant community, and the series Joyas Queer. He is currently in the process of producing the second season of Joyas Queer and preparing his first photo book.

Alba Laguna

Barcelona, 1981. Journalist specialized in cinema. She has been responsible for the press of the Sitges Festival since 2014 and more recently also of other festivals such as the Most – International Wine Film Festival in Vilafranca del Penedès or the open-air film festival Sala Montjuïc in Barcelona. She is a regular contributor to the programs La Finestra Indiscreta on Catalunya Ràdio and Tot es Mou on TV3 as a film talk show host.

Meetings with Directors

Some directors will be present at the screening of their film; the public will have the opportunity to talk with them at the end of the screening, in the cinema or on the terrace of the French Institute.

In-person meetings with:

Meeting with Cindy L. Abel,
director of Surviving the Silence
SAT 11/06 _ 6pm

Meeting with Ferran Navarro-Beltrán,
director of Rosa
SUN 12/06 _ 8pm

Meeting with Hadi Moussally,
director of Bellydance Vogue
TUE 14/06 _ 10pm

Meeting with Miquel Missé, director of Se receta silencio, and the actress Laura Vila
THU 16/06 _ 6pm

Meeting with Gonzalo Quincoces, director of La caída del vencejo
THU 16/06 _ 10pm

Meeting with Iban Pàmies Merlo, Belén Rodríguez López and Toni Torbellino Méndez, directors of Barcelona fora de l’armari
FRI  17/06 _ 6pm

Meeting with Sarah Kaskas,
director of The Window
SAT 18/06 _ 4pm

Meeting with Adam Kalderon,
director of The Swimmer
SUN 19/06 _ 10pm

Online meetings

Meeting with Paco Ruiz and Jorge Garrido, director and producer of Desviación típica

Meeting with Francisco Fríar and Juan Martín, directors of Ashurbanipal

Meeting with Cecilia del Valle, director of Canela

Meetings with Directors at FIRE!!

Meeting with Adrián Silvestre, director de Sedimentos

Source list 2022

Distribution and programming professionals will find here our Source List, with the contacts of the distributors of all the programmed films: feature films, documentaries and short films.