Mostra FIRE!! 2020 - Fire at home


Nicolas Greinacher • Switzerland


María Sánchez Martínez, Juan Agustín Greco • Argentina

In Orbit

S. Chakraborty, H. Chen, M. Joffily, J. Polley, J.Trouvé • France


Aude Chevalier-Beaumel, Marcelo Barbosa • Brazil


Christopher Manning• United Kingdom


Stéphane Riethauser • Switzerland


Marcel Gisler • Switzerland


Peter Mackie Burns • Ireland


Marco Berger, Martín Farina • Argentina

Top 3

Sofie Edvardsson • Sweden


Anna Karín Lárusdóttir• Iceland

FIRE!! Pro Section 2020

Round table

Tuesday 15th of September, 4pm

Production, distribution and exhibition of LGBT cinema

The meeting on Production, distribution and exhibition of LGTB cinema aimed to provide a space to debate the issue both internationally and locally, given the relatively low production of cinema dedicated to affective and sexual diversity in our country compared to others such as Germany, France, the United Kingdom or the United States. In Spain, distributors draw heavily on foreign films to tackle the LGTB issue, a curious fact if we consider the good Spanish reception, in general, of this subject and the fact that Spain has been, for example, one of the first European countries to adopt an equal marriage law. Although the LGBT community is here particularly active, relatively well integrated into the social environment – at least compared to the countries mentioned above – and quite visible at the media and television level, all this is not very often reflected in cinematographic production.

It’s been interesting to chat with our guests to know their opinion on the approach of the LGBT theme in their different professional fields: in production, to see if this theme is increasingly present or not in the scripts that are circulating and in the shootings that finally take place; in the distribution sector, to try to understand to what extent the LGBT criterion is taken into account positively or not when selecting a film, and in the exhibition field, to find out if the theatres also positively evaluate this criterion when programing the titles. It’s been also be interesting to talk about the role of LGBT film festivals in Spain and see to what extent distributors and exhibitors take their prescribing role into account when betting on a film.

You can watch the roundtable here:

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Marco Berger

Argentinian cinema director. Author of Plan B (2009), Ausente (2011), Hawaï (2013), Mariposa (2015), Taekwondo (2016), Un rubio (2019) and El cazador (2020). FIRE!! will pay tribute to him this year with the screening of three titles (El cazador, Taekwondo, Un rubio).

Silvia Lobo

President of Próxima, Asociación de Distribuidoras Independientes de España (Adso Films, Atera Films, Begin Again Films, Capricci Cine, #ConUnPack Distribución, El Sur Films, Elamedia Estudios, Flamingo Films, Márgenes Distribución, Night Drive, Noucinemart, NUMAX Distribución, Paco Poch Cinema, Segarra Films y Surtsey Films).

Toni Espinosa

Partner and head of Cinemes Girona, three cinemas in the center of Barcelona, exhibitors of independent and European cinema, in original and dubbed version. A welcoming space for exhibitions, festivals and audiovisual events. In Toned Mitja, Toni is also a film and television producer, director of documentaries and corporate videos, and director of TVE’s Nostromo program.

Round table moderated by ANTOINE LEONETTI, director of the Mostra FIRE!!

Meetings with Directors

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A meeting with Liliana Paolinelli, director of Margen de error.

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A meeting with Aldo Garay, director of El hombre nuevo.

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A meeting with Gastón Re, leading actor of Un rubio.

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A meeting with Omar Zúñiga, director of Los fuertes.

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A meeting with Carlos Castro, director of Regreso a Coronel Vallejos.

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A meeting with Marco Berger, director of El cazador, Un rubio and Taekwondo.

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A meeting with Daniel Nolasco, director of Vento seco, and Michely Ascari, camera assistent.

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A meeting with Stéphane Riethauser, director of Madame.

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A meeting with Aude Chevalier-Beaumel and Marcelo Barbosa, directors of Indianara.

Source list 2020

Distribution and programming professionals will find here our Source List, with the contacts of the distributors of all the programmed films: feature films, documentaries and short films.