25 years on FIRE!! Presential edition and at FILMIN
25 years on FIRE!! Presential edition and at FILMIN


Gitta Gsell • Switzerland


Henrika Kull • Germany


Maël Nathanaël Sonn • France


Christiaan Olwagen • South Africa


Laurent Micheli • France, Belgium


Katarina Rešek - Kukla • Slovenia


Andrey Volkashin • North Macedonia

FIRE!! Pro Section 2021


from June 14 to 16, 2021

Laboratory for the creation of LGTBI-themed films

The FIRE!! LAB is a laboratory for the development of LGBTI-themed films, which seeks to encourage their production and commercialization in Spain. The initiative, which will take place within the framework of the FIRE!! 2021, will last 3 days, from June 14 to 16, 2021.

The scriptwriters, directors and producers of the selected projects and films will receive advice / tutorials in artistic areas such as script, direction, as well as production, by prominent professionals of the national and international audio-visual industry.

…laboratory for the development of LGTBI-themed films, which seeks to encourage their production and commercialization in Spain. The initiative, which will take place within the framework of the FIRE!! 2021, will last 3 days, from June 14 to 16, 2021.

The scriptwriters, directors and producers of the selected projects and films will receive advice / tutorials in artistic areas such as script, direction, as well as production, by prominent professionals of the national and international audio-visual industry.Call for the FIRE!! LAB: term extended until April 11. To register, you must complete the form available on the web. If you have any questions, you can write to industria@mostrafire.com

Call for submissions

logo FIRE!! Lab 2021



(València, 1981). Adrián studied Audiovisual Communication, Film Direction and Contemporary Art History in Madrid, Rome and Havana. In his film projects, he explores the limits between reality and fiction, staging real people alongside professional performers, taking on artistic practice from the analysis of their life experiences. His films are preceded by a process of close collaboration with communities, generally linked to issues of gender, migration and LGBTI groups.

Sedimentos (2021) | Los Objetos Amorosos (2016) | Natalia Nikolaevna (Corto, 2014)


(Les Masies de Voltregà, 1978) Mònica has a degree in Audiovisual Communication, studied the Master of Creative Documentary at UPF and studied Film Direction at the FAMU in Prague. He has collaborated with different directors, such as Marc Recha and Victor Kossakovski. Her films experiment with the limits of language and capture the indescribable, and end up becoming their own intimate pieces.

Ver a una mujer (2017) | Entre el dictador i jo (2005) | Dolç amarg (corto, 2003)


Valérie Delpierre created Inicia Films in 2006 with the aim of developing new talent projects and paying special attention to international projection. Since then, he has produced numerous feature films, documentaries and short films.

Las Niñas  (2020) | Verano 1993 (2017) | B (2015)


Patricia bonet - Catalan Films

Patricia a degree in Film & Media Studies from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, a European Master in Audiovisual Management taught by the Media Business School with the support of the European Union’s Media II Programme. She worked at LolaFilms, the production company behind films such as Belle Epoque; Torrente, the Dumb Arm of the Law; The Girl of your Dreams; Commonwealth; The 7th Day; Soldiers of Salamina, etc. In 2010 she joined the team at Catalan Films, where she’s currently in charge of the festival department and the website.


Joan Ruiz · Catalan Films

Joan holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and obtained a Post-graduate degree in Audiovisual Distribution and Marketing from UOC. In 2013 he joined the team of the Department of Industry of the San Sebastian International Film Festival as coordinator and curator of the conferences and panels and as head of professional publications. In 2015 he began the professional conferences of D’A Film Festival Barcelona and is responsible for five editions. In 2018 he developed the communication project of the Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola of Tabakalera film school. In January 2020 he joined the Catalan Films team.


Cosimo Santoro · The Open Reel

Cosimo Santoro, born in 1973, is a distributor, festival programmer and Italian film critic. In 2010, he is the Head of Distribution at Atlantide Entertainment, with which he launched Queer Frame, which promotes the visibility of Queer Cinema and Indie. In 2013, he founded the World Sales Agency The Open Reel, focused on the promotion, distribution and sale of feature films, short films and documentaries of all kinds, but with special attention to the new form of Expressions of Queer Cinema.


Selected Projects


Nora Haddad and Alba Cros.
Andrea Herrera Catalá


Pau Ortiz
María Nova López


David Moragas
Alba Bosch


Arima León
Silvia Sánchez Horna and María Sabaté Rivero


Cintia Ballbé
Marc Paso


Mario Díaz Delgado

Jesús Choya Zataraín

Activity organised in collaboration with the online platform Filmarket Hub, the cinema school La Casa del Cine, and the production company Inicia Films.

Filmarket Hub
La Casa del Cine
Inicia Films
Catalan Films

Round Table

Thursday June 17 at 6 pm

Les noves veus del cinema LGBT català

The new voices of Catalan LGBT cinema

…and some of the directors who are making the most interesting current proposals regarding LGBT cinema reside in Barcelona.

We propose a round table with young directors with whom to address the present of LGBT cinema, its references and future challenges. In line with the round table organized last year on the production, distribution and exhibition of LGBT cinema, we want to give a voice to new talents from Catalonia (and Valencia…), to point out once again the need to direct and produce more LGBT cinema in our country, given the very low number of fiction feature films and documentaries made here each year, compared to the countries of our European environment and also other Latin American nations such as Argentina, Chile or Brazil.

Cinema in Catalonia and in the rest of Spain is far from reflecting the realities of the LGBT community, and for this reason we want to reflect with these young cinematographers on the ways to create a better environment for the creation of LGBT cinema.

…alguns dels directors i directores que estan fent les propostes actuals més interessants pel que fa al cinema LGBT resideixen a la ciutat comtal.

Proposem una taula rodona amb joves directors amb els quals abordar el present de cinema LGBT, els seus referents i futurs reptes. En la línia de la taula rodona organitzada l’any passat sobre producció, distribució i exhibició de cinema LGBT, volem donar veu a nous talents de Catalunya (i València…), per incidir de nou en la necessitat de dirigir i produir més cinema LGBT a nostre país, donada la molt baixa quantitat de llargmetratges de ficció i documentals realitzats aquí cada any, en comparació amb els països del nostre entorn europeu i també altres nacions llatinoamericanes com Argentina, Xile o el Brasil.

El cinema a Catalunya i a Espanya i a la resta d’Espanya està molt lluny de reflectir les realitats del col·lectiu LGBT, i volem per això reflexionar amb aquests joves cinematògrafs sobre les vies per crear un millor entorn per a la creació de cinema LGBT.

Centre LGBTI de Barcelona

> You can attend it live online, on Thursday 17 June at 6pm:

For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.

More information at the LGTBI Center of Barcelona website.



Alba Cros Pellisé

Puigverd de Lleida, 1991. After studying Audiovisual Communication at UPF, she co-directed the film Las amigas de Ágata (2015) with Laia Alabart, Laura Ríos and Marta Verheyen. Currently, she is co-directing with Nora Haddad the documentary Alteridades / Otredades on lesbian identities, produced by Amor & Lujo. She has directed the documentary Resiliencia (2020) for the CoNCA National Culture Awards 2020 and the documentary Descubriendo a Frank Trepax (2021). She has also been an assistant director in Los dias que vendrán (2019) by Carlos Marqués-Marcet. She combines directing with the pedagogical program Cinema en Curs of A Bao A Qu and is coordinator of Acció De Cap de Dones Visuals, a program designed for women team managers who find it difficult to access the industry.

David Moragas

Screenwriter and director. He graduated in Audiovisual Communication at UPF and took a Master’s Degree in Film Directing at the New York Tisch School of the Arts, with a grant from the Obra Social ”La Caixa” Foundation. He directed short films like Only Fools Rush In and Boyfriend. His first feature film, Stormy Night, closed the D’A festival and has been shown in many festivals, becoming “the” independent gay Spanish film of 2020.

Marc Ferrer

Graduated in Audio-visual Communication at UPF, he has directed several short films, among them Los últimos románticos. He has also made several video clips for the music band Papa Topo, La Prohibida and Luis Miguélez. A famous underground filmmaker from Barcelona, he debuted in the feature length with Nos parecía importante, premiered at the D’A festival. Later he has directed two more feature films: La maldita primavera and Puta y amada. He is about to release his next movie, ¡Corten!

Ruth Caudeli

Born in Valencia, she has a Master’s degree in Film Direction (ESCAC) and another in Television Fiction (UPF). She studied audio-visual communication at the UPV, where she obtained the final degree award. She has written and directed the feature films Eva + Candela (2017), Second Star on the Right (2019) and Leading Ladies (2021), which have premiered at international festivals. She has directed several short films such as Late (2010), Porque no (2016), Entre Paredes (2017), Eva minus Candela (2018) and Adéu / Adiós (2020), awarded at international festivals. She has directed the series Natalia: Crimen y Castigo and is directing a new production for Netflix. She directed commercials for well-known brands at the production company Ovella Blava Films. She is a contributor to publications such as Kinetoscopio and is a film and television teacher. She is in pre-production on her fourth film, Petit Mal.

Round table moderated by ANTOINE LEONETTI, , director of the Mostra FIRE!!

Meetings with Directors

Meeting with Adrián Silvestre, director of Sedimentos

A meeting with Nancy Cruz, director of Los últimos recuerdos de Abril

A meeting with Nancy Cruz, director of Los últimos recuerdos de Abril

A meeting with Alex De La Croix, director of Privilegiada

A meeting with Alex De La Croix, director of Privilegiada.

A meeting with Emilio J. López, director of In a Strange Room

A meeting with Emilio J. López, director of In a Strange Room.

Meeting with Rodrigo Sepúlveda director of Tengo miedo torero

Meeting with Rodrigo Sepúlveda director of “Tengo Miedo Torero

Meeting with Gitta Gsell director of “Beyto

Meeting with Daniel Toledo director of “Victoria

Meeting with Ruth Caudeli director of “Leading ladies

Source list 2021

Distribution and programming professionals will find here our Source List, with the contacts of the distributors of all the programmed films: feature films, documentaries and short films.