Our very beloved Ventura Pons has left us this year… This great film director was the author of such unforgettable films as ¡Puta miseria!, Caricias, Manjar de amor or, evidently, Ocaña, retrat intermitent, his first and unforgettable film work. To pay tribute to this irreplaceable figure of Catalan cinema, what better than to see again – or discover – precisely that magical film, an intimate vision of the Andalusian painter José Pérez Ocaña, such an emblematic person of the Rambla and the Plaza Real in Barcelona at the end of the seventies. At the screening of Ocaña, retrat intermitent, on Tuesday the 11th, at 8 p.m., we will be accompanied at the screening by Jesús Pérez Ocaña, brother of Jesús Pérez Ocaña, and Miquel Rey, former producer of Ventura Pons.

And to complete this tribute, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy the entire FIRE!!, at the French Institute of the Santa Ocaña exhibition. Fetishes, dreams and transvestism , selection of vector portraits by Rubén Antón.

From MON 13/5 to SAT 22/6


Santa Ocaña.
Fetishes, dreams and transvestism
, by Rubén Antón

Santa Ocaña. Fetishes, dreams and transvestism, exhibition of vector portraits by Rubén Antón

… Rubén Antón ha creat aquesta col·lecció de 18 peces per al seu projecte “Drag is Burning” de memòria històrica del transvestisme i el col·lectiu LGTBIQ+. Rendeix homenatge al pintor sevillà José Pérez Ocaña, personatge clau del teixit artístic contracultural de la hipotètica transició, des de la seva arribada a Barcelona als anys 70 fins a la seva mort el 1983. L’exposició està vinculada també amb la projecció del famós documental Ocaña, retrat intermitent (dimarts 11 a les 20h), primera pel·lícula del gran director Ventura Pons, mort recentment i a qui el FIRE!! ha volgut rendir homenatge.

FRENCH INSTITUTE GUIDED TOUR>8th and 15th June, 7pm with Rubén Antón From 8th May to 16th June: Monday to Friday, from 9am to 9pm. Saturday and Sunday during the Festival, from 4pm to 9pm Free entry

Drag is Burning

TUE 11/6 : 8pm


Ocaña, retrat intermitent

Ocaña, retrat intermitent

Ocaña, retrat intermitent
Ventura Pons
Spain (Catalonia), 1978, 85′

Intimate vision of the Andalusian painter José Pérez Ocaña, a character who marked the life of the Rambla and the Plaza Real in Barcelona in the late seventies. Ocaña is an intermittent portrait broken by the “provocation of memory.” It tells us about his life and, at the same time, intermittently, we see the world that emanates from his subconscious. Thus, through the use of transvestism, we are shown the dramatic game, which is based on the Iberian grotesque, also close to the modern theories of street theater. We reconstruct his visions of the cult of death, the fetishism of religious images… And to these intermittencies is added his “vital discharge”, his creative universe.

With the programming of Ocaña, retrato intermitente, a legendary documentary if there ever was one, we want to pay tribute to director Ventura Pons, who died at the beginning of this year, with what was the first foray into cinema of this immense Barcelona director.

FRENCH INSTITUTE TUE 11/6 8pm Advance sales online or at the box office