THU 13/6 : 6pm
From La Macarena to La Beyonsebe. A journey, from documentary film, through the spiritual divas of the LGTBIQ+ collective
LGTBI CENTRE Thursday 13 June 6pm Free entrance The round table will have interpretation in Catalan sign language Live broadcast from the YouTube channel of the Barcelona LGBTI center:

TUE 8/5 to SUN 16/6
Sport friendly. The pitch of diversity! , by Émilien Buffardannah Cauhépé

FRENCH INSTITUTE GUIDED TOUR + ROUND TABLE >On June 13 at 6.30 p.m. guided tour of the exhibition in the presence of Émilien Buffard, followed by a round table on inclusive sport. From 8th May to 16th June: Monday to Friday, from 9am to 9pm. Saturday and Sunday during the Festival, from 4pm to 9pm Free entry
Do you want the Sport friendly. The pitch of diversity! album?
From MON 13/5 to SAT 22/6
Santa Ocaña.
Fetishes, dreams and transvestism, by Rubén Antón

FRENCH INSTITUTE GUIDED TOUR>8th and 15th June, 7pm with Rubén Antón From 8th May to 16th June: Monday to Friday, from 9am to 9pm. Saturday and Sunday during the Festival, from 4pm to 9pm Free entry
FRI 7, SAT 8 and SUN 9 /6
ANTINOUS ON FIRE!!, with David Moragas and Javier Parra
On June 7, 8 and 9, the famous LGTBI bookstore in Barcelona will make available to the public of FIRE!! a selection of its best titles with fantastic discounts! And on Saturday the 8th at 6:30 p.m., our beloved director David Moragas (Demà ho deixem; Stormy Night) will sign there Fervor, his first novel! A story that recalls Sally Rooney and Gabrielle Zevin, a generational song about friends, love and becoming an adult without wanting it. And an Sunday the 9th at 6:30 p.m., Javier Parra will sign his new book, Scream Queer 2, la venganza, a new review of cult films (from What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? to Jawbreaker); the vindication of filmmakers who are part of the queer spectrum (Curtis Harrington, Frank Henenlotter and many others) or the review of cinematographic artifacts that move on the limits of the fantastic.
The Antinous bookstore, specialized in LGTBIQ+ themes and with 27 years of existence in Barcelona (currently on Casanova Street, 72, in the heart of Gaixample), is more than just a bookstore. There are many cultural activities that we offer: book presentations, talks and conferences, reading clubs, literary routes, participation in fairs and LGTBIQ+ events in our city.
We collaborate with Casal Lambda, with the LGTBI Center of Barcelona and with several LGTBIQ+ groups in Catalonia. We have a wide and varied section of film books from the most classic to the latest novelties. We also have at your disposal a very complete selection of audiovisuals, both fiction films and documentaries.
You can follow us on social networks sociales (Instagram, Facebook and X), on our blog, and buy our items virtually through the website.
We look forward to seeing you on the terrace of FIRE!! in the French Institute. And, of course, in our bookstore.
SUN 2 /6
With 50% discount for their followers!
The Queer Pong Club – your favorite lesbo-queer non-sports club – organizes highly informal ping-pong, darts, pool, soccer and other less expected sports tournaments for the coolest girls and non-binary persons in Barcelona. It takes place on the first Sundays of some months in maumau, a classic bar in Poble-Sec and, with its Queer Pong Cinema variant, it also invites them to see the best lesbian cinema in the world!
On June 2 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., the Queer Pong Club will be at the Terra Negra Sport Club with a Five-a-side Soccer tournament, before moving on to maumau to finish the day. The members of the winning team will be awarded 5 packs of 5 tickets for the FIRE!! Mostra. Also, keep the tournament participation document (ticket, etc.) because it’ll give you a 50% discount on the FIRE!! Tickets, showing it at the French Institute box office.