The FIRE!! PRO is intended for professionals in the film sector (directors, producers, exhibitors, distributors, actors, journalists, teachers and students of film schools, etc.), and also for any other person in our audience interested in knowing more about the world of the cinema.

create spaces for reflection and creation given the low production of LGBTI-themed films in our country, compared to other countries such as France, Germany, the United States and others in Latin America.

In Spain, the cinema dedicated to affective and sexual diversity is – paradoxically – very absent. Here, the distribution relies heavily on foreign films to address the LGTBI issue. Although the LGBTI community is here particularly active, relatively well integrated into the social environment and quite visible on the media and television level, all of this is not very often reflected in local film production.

For all this, FIRE!! FIRE!! PRO has 3 main objectives:

To encourage discussion and training on the production and commercialization of national LGBTI-themed films.

To implement a support space for the creation and development of LGBTI-themed audio-visual works.

To support the scriptwriters, directors and audio-visual producers in the realization of their works on this subject in the initial stage of the cinematographic proces

…(directors, producers, exhibitors, distributors, actors, journalists, teachers and students of film schools, etc.), and also to anyone else in our audience interested in knowing how to understand more about the audiovisual industry..

FIRE!! PRO was born from the need to create spaces for reflection and creation given the low production of LGBTI-themed films in our country, compared to other countries such as France, Germany, the United States and others in Latin America.

In Spain, the cinema dedicated to affective and sexual diversity is – paradoxically – very absent. Here, the distribution relies heavily on foreign films to address the LGTBI issue. Although the LGBTI community is here particularly active, relatively well integrated into the social environment and quite visible on the media and television level, all of this is not very often reflected in local film production.

For all this, FIRE!! FIRE!! PRO has 3 main objectives:

To encourage discussion and training on the production and commercialization of national LGBTI-themed films.

To implement a support space for the creation and development of LGBTI-themed audio-visual works.

To support the scriptwriters, directors and audio-visual producers in the realization of their works on this subject in the initial stage of the cinematographic proces

FIRE!! PRO consists of 4 activities or services:

Round Tables

Round tables on LGBTI-themed audiovisual content.

Fire Lab

FIRE!! LAB, a laboratory for developing films and writing series with LGTBI themes.


Meetings with the directors of the films that make up this year’s selection.

Source list

A source list with the contacts of the distributors of all the programmed films in Mostra FIRE!!: feature films, documentaries and short films.

FIRE!! LAB 2025

9th to 11th of June

5th Laboratory for film development and writing of LGBTI-themed series

The FIRE!! LAB is a laboratory for the development of films and the writing of LGTBI themed series, which seeks to encourage their production and commercialization in Spain. The initiative, which will take place within the framework of the Mostra FIRE!! 2025, will last 3 days, from 9 to 11 June.

The scriptwriters, directors and producers of the selected projects and films will receive advice / tutorials in artistic areas such as script, direction, as well as production, by prominent professionals of the national and international audio-visual industry.

Para solicitar más información:

…laboratory for the development of films and the writing of LGTBI themed series, which seeks to encourage their production and commercialization in Spain. The initiative, which will take place within the framework of the Mostra FIRE!! 2025, will last 3 days, from 9 to 11 June.

The scriptwriters, directors and producers of the selected projects and films will receive advice / tutorials in artistic areas such as script, direction, as well as production, by prominent professionals of the national and international audio-visual industry.

Open Call for FIRE!! LAB: For registration you must complete the form available on the web. If you have any questions you can write to us at

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With the support of:

Source list 2025

Distribution and programming professionals will find here our Source List, with the contacts of the distributors of all the programmed films: feature films, documentaries and short films.