The Mostra FIRE!! is organized by the Casal Lambda

Casal Lambda Website

The Casal Lambda in Barcelona is a non-profit institution that aims at the social normalization of the LGTBI community. Since 1976, it has offered LGBTI people a meeting and orientation space. As well as an information and documentation centre on sexuality aimed at professionals and researchers. The Casal Lambda carries out an important work of social importance with its cultural, educational and training activities. It also carries out informative activities and debate contents through its magazine “Lambda”. On the other hand, it carries out continuous awareness-raising work towards public institutions, political parties and society as a whole. More information about the Casal Lambda at

If you want to contact with Mostra FIRE!!, you can write to

Jordi Samsó Montagut

Maria Pujol Fernández

Javier Sánchez Saavedra

Aran Jiménez

Albert Ribas Dot, Mario Allegranzi, Joan Jiménez Jurado, Ramon Munt Alfaro