Blood Like Water

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At the French Institute:

SAT 15/06 ● 6pm

Title: Blood Like Water
Direction: Dima Hamdan
Cast: Ruba Blal, Adeeb Safadi, Atallah Tannous, Raeda Ghazaleh
Production: Fresco Films
Distribution: Dima Hamdan
Genre: Drama
Duration: 14’24”
Country: Palestine
Year: 2023
O.V . in Arabic. Subtitles in Spanish

Festivals: Galway, Sarasota (women’s film)

First showing in Spain

When Shadi embarks on a secret adventure, he accidentally drags his proud Palestinian family into a trap where they only have two choices; either collaborate with the Israeli occupation, or be shamed and humiliated by their community. Blood Like Water is based on a true story.

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