FIRE!! LGTBI Film Festival • From June 6 to 16, 2024 • At the French Institute
FIRE!! LGTBI Film Festival • From June 6 to 16, 2024 • At the French Institute
FIRE!! Accessibilitat : subtítols per a sords

Subtitles for the deaf


Accessibility: Catalan sign language

Catalan Sign Language


8pm L’Arche de de Noé (Under the Rainbow)*

FIRE!! Accessibilitat : llenguatge de signes

Opening ceremony with interpreter in Catalan sign language


FIRE!! Accessibilitat : subtítols per a sords

4pm Les jours heureux (Days of Happiness) *

8pm Fragments d’un parcours amoureux (Fragments of a Life Loved)

In the presence of director Chloé Barreau.

10pm L’air de la mer rend libre(You Promised Me the Sea)
Preceded by the short film Sultana’s reign*

*In the presence of director Hadi Moussally


6pm Housekeeping for Beginners

Preceded by the short L@ Cita

FIRE!! Accessibilitat : llenguatge de signes

8pm Solo
In the presence of the leading actors Félix Maritaud and Théodore Pellerin.
In the ensuing debate, interpretation in Catalan sign language *

10pm Todo el silencio

Preceded by the short film Manting


4pm Levante(Power Alley)
Preceded by the short film Nocturnas*
*In the presence of Pau Canivell

FIRE!! Accessibilitat : llenguatge de signes

6pm Com et deies abans? I altres preguntes estúpides
With the attendance of the directors Iban Pàmies, Toni Torbellino and Belén López
In the ensuing debate, interpretation in Catalan sign language *

8pm Norwegian Dream
Preceded by the short film Traca

FIRE!! Accessibilitat : subtítols per a sords

10pm La Vénus d’argent (Spirit of Ectasy) *
Preceded by the
the short film Uranites

MON 10

10pm Unicorns

TUE 11

8pm Ocaña, retrato intermitente
In the presence of Miquel Rey, former producer of Ventura Pons

10pm The Summer with Carmen
Preceded by the short film Beicon

WED 12

8pm Solo

10pm Levante (Power Alley)
Preceded by the short film Nocturnas

THU 13

4pm L’air de la mer rend libre (You Promised Me the Sea)
Preceded by the short film Sultana’s reign

6pm Asog

10pm Faire famille
Preceded by the short film Féeroce

FRI 14

6pm Queerying Nature
Preceded by the short film A Bird Called Memory

FIRE!! Accessibilitat : subtítols per a sords

8pm Les jours heureux (Days of Happiness)*

10pm Norwegian Dream
Preceded by the short film Traca*
*In the presence of Marc Camardons

SAT 15

4pm Todo el silencio
Preceded by the short film Manting

6pmValència, t’estime*
Preceded by the short film Blood Like Water
*In the presence of Carlos Giménez Pons

8pm The Summer with Carmen
Preceded by the short film Beicon*
*In the presence of the director José Montero

SUN 16

FIRE!! Accessibilitat : subtítols per a sords

4pm La Vénus d’argent (Spirit of Ectasy) *
Preceded by the short film Uranites

6pm L’Arche de de Noé (Under the Rainbow)

8pm All the Colours of the World are Between Black and White
Preceded by the short film Monte
Presentation by the Wallay!

10pm Housekeeping for Beginners
Preceded by the short L@ Cita