Zapatos de tacón cubano

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Title: Zapatos de tacón cubano
Direction: Julio Mas Alcaraz
Cast: Alicia Sánchez, Jorge Muriel, Elio Toffana, David Alaya, Pedro Puente
Production: Un Chien Européen Films
Distribution: ECAM – Madrid en corto
Genre: Fiction
Duration: 17’
Country: Spain
Year: 2019

Festivals: Alcalá de Henares, London (BFI Flare, LGBT), Los Angeles (OutFest, LGBT), Madrid (LesGaiCineMad, LGBT), Medina del Campo, Sant Joan d’Alacant

First showing in Barcelona

Paco and Jose are two teenage boys living in a marginal neighbourhood of Madrid, a place hostile to each of their dreams. With serious family problems, and surrounded by an aggressive, macho, homophobic environment, they must lead a double life to hide the beginning of a love relationship and their passion for flamenco dance.