Com et deies abans? I altres preguntes estúpides

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FIRE!! Accessibility : sign language

At the French Institute:

SUN 09/06 ● 6pm

With the attendance of the directors Iban Pàmies, Toni Torbellino and Belén López.
Subsequent debate with interpretation in sign language

Title: Com et deies abans? I altres preguntes estúpides
Direction: Iban Pàmies, Toni Torbellino, Belén López
Cast: Valentina Berr, Lílex Suárez, Silvia Reyes, Rusly Cachina, Lina Mulero, Ali Latchinian, Camilo Perdomo, Marta Iglesias, Juanma Espejo, Júlia Espejo, Joana Espejo, Darko Decimavilla, Tània Verge, Laia Serra, Isidro García Nieto, Rosa Almirall
Production: Helpium TV
Distribution: Helpium TV
Genre: Documentary
Duration: 70′
Country: Spain
Year: 2023
O.V . in Catalan and Spanish. Subtitles in Spanish

Festivals: Lleida (Catalan cinema), Montevideo (documentaries), New Haven (American Latin cinema), Sant Andreu de la Barca (Oriana Awards)

First showing in Barcelona

What was your name before? And other stupid questions shows the lives of trans people, their day to day and their experiences. Leaving clear terms and definitions that are still unknown to the general public and placing identity as a common need in the human experience. With a great sense of humor, there will be a tour of the experiences of different trans people, who will explain to us what their transition process has been like and what obstacles and barriers they have encountered. We will also be able to hear expert voices that work for the health and well-being of the people in the group.