Once again this year we present Pantalla Trans (Trans Screen), the result of cooperation between FIRE!! and Cultura Trans. And, once more, we present a selection of films that provide food for thought and seek to add to the complexity of debates surrounding the trans question. We are seeing more and more representations of the trans experience in the film world, but their numbers increase we must ask ourselves constantly who is still left off-screen, unrepresented. When all the trans characters that we see appear to be cut from the same pattern, then we should ask ourselves what that pattern is exactly, and why we see only this tiny part of the huge range of possibilities found in the trans universe.
Film seasons like Trans Screen give us the chance to turn the camera around and focus on realities that are often left out. This year we have prepared a wide selection that goes from Brazil to Korea, from non-binary identities and representations closer to what we may consider more the trans norm to transvestite identities in Latin America. A wide-ranging selection not intended to be an exhaustive portrait of the trans reality, rather just a glimpse, a starting-point for further investigation. All experiences outside the norm are filtered through cracks through which we can only glimpse reality. We hope you will begin to look through them, too, and will continue to investigate with us from your cinema seat. It is through the cracks that light flows, even into the darkest corners.
Pol Galofre and Miguel Missé, Cultura Trans