Very often over the history of the FIRE!! Festival, we have insisted on the need to reject all labels. And this is not just a whim, because labels restrict, restrain, place limits. On the contrary, the entire festival programme is devoted to showing how people “colour” their own gender and their own sexuality in very different ways, and how they both remain fluid throughout our lives. So let us abandon and reject all labels and the established binarism. Because this is one of the great goals of the FIRE!! Festival: to rethink and rewrite the established genders.
All this leads us to the subject of the 2018 Education Programme. The programme focuses on different themes that we need to discuss in order to see the labels that constrain us as we seek to lead our lives fully. The Education Programme features a number of short films on different themes: gender identity, seropositivity, sport and so on. Some of them also look at such subjects as exclusion, homophobia, loneliness, etc. These short films are poetic, moving, personal and, above all, authentic.
As you know, the Education Programme is also designed to serve as a debate forum. To this end, after each session and each day, we will organise a round table with specially invited guests. Everything is organised to give you the chance to you say what you think and help us to raise the profile of languages that are free from labels. Save the dates!
Jordi Samsó, Coordinator of the Educational Program
All this leads us to the subject of the 2018 Education Programme. The programme focuses on different themes that we need to discuss in order to see the labels that constrain us as we seek to lead our lives fully. The Education Programme features a number of short films on different themes: gender identity, seropositivity, sport and so on. Some of them also look at such subjects as exclusion, homophobia, loneliness, etc. These short films are poetic, moving, personal and, above all, authentic.
As you know, the Education Programme is also designed to serve as a debate forum. To this end, after each session and each day, we will organise a round table with specially invited guests. Everything is organised to give you the chance to you say what you think and help us to raise the profile of languages that are free from labels. Save the dates!
Jordi Samsó, Coordinator of the Educational Program

Screening of the following shorts:
▪ Positive
▪ Positive youtubers
Roundtable with speakers invited by Casal Lambda
▪ Positive
▪ Positive youtubers
Roundtable with speakers invited by Casal Lambda

Screening of the following shorts:
▪ No soy él
▪ Oh no Pedro
▪ Tarro
▪ La clase de baile
▪ Vestido Nuevo
Roundtable with speakers invited by Casal Lambda
▪ No soy él
▪ Oh no Pedro
▪ Tarro
▪ La clase de baile
▪ Vestido Nuevo
Roundtable with speakers invited by Casal Lambda

Screening of the following shorts:
▪ Zaya
▪ Fuera de lugar
▪ The Brighton Kop
▪ Clan
Roundtable with speakers invited by Casal Lambda
▪ Zaya
▪ Fuera de lugar
▪ The Brighton Kop
▪ Clan
Roundtable with speakers invited by Casal Lambda