Cinema Festivals Management.
EXHIBITION: ajuar(es), by Àngel Corral.
With Àngel Corral's tablecloth, we all have a place at the table…
EXHIBITION Ekifire:the half-deads. A Look at the LGBT Africa Frédéric Noy. Frederic Noy witnesses the difficult day-to-day life of LGBTI people in Uganda..
BOOK PRESENTATION: A literary encounter with Bop Pop and his book Días ajenos..
Catalunya Film Festivals Meeting. Activity reserved to CATFF members

Master class: Cinema Festivals Management

How do you plan a film festival? How is the selection of films made?
How do you communicate and fund a festival?
Antoine Leonetti, co-director of FIRE!! will answer these questions and those of the participants.
Antoine Leonetti, co-director of FIRE!! will answer these questions and those of the participants.

Plaza Joanic, 6

Exhibition ajuar(es), by Àngel Corral

“With Àngel Corral's tablecloth, we all have a place at the table. In the represented community, no identity is excluded. But a community in which no identity imposes itself on any other is a community without budgets, a community without common, an invisible community. Perhaps the problem is not the inclusion or exclusion of the different identities that cohabit in a community but the very ideas of community and identity, closely linked” (Rafael Ruiz)

Exhibition Ekifire: A Look at the LGBT Africa by Frédéric Noy

Frederic Noy witnesses the difficult day-to-day life of LGBTI people in Uganda (where he lives since 2012), Burundi and Rwanda. As he says: "Homophobia is a relatively new problem in Africa. It usually comes from British colonialism or American evangelism, still very much present in the minds of the people. The first king of Uganda was openly homosexual and disposed of his subjects as he pleased." Noy's camera gives us a contrasted look at the "last taboo on Human Rights in Africa."

A literary encounter with Bop Pop and his book Días ajenos

For a whole year, Bob Pop built a diary through diaries of others who, day after day, lent him their voices and words to speak about himself, to re-verify that the distance between what is read and lived almost does not exist. Words and memories of Andy Warhol, Cesare Pavese, Franz Kafka, Susan Sontag, Luis Goytisolo, Clarice Lispector, Juan Rulfo, André Gide, and many others, who unwittingly wrote Bob Pop’s days during a year.
Bob Pop will read some pages of his diary Días ajenos with live musical accompaniment. Some of the musical moments that Bob listened to while writing this book will be played, and other ones listened to by some of the authors of the diaries presented in his book.
Bob Pop will read some pages of his diary Días ajenos with live musical accompaniment. Some of the musical moments that Bob listened to while writing this book will be played, and other ones listened to by some of the authors of the diaries presented in his book.